elcome to THETAXPREPARERS Site where we have everything needed to start your own business as a tax preparer. Classes are divided into basic, intermediate and advanced, all being online and can be completed at your leisure. One can begin as a tax preparer upon completion of the basic course; however, completion of the intermediate course is preferred. For further information on the courses, click on the “TRAINING” link.


As a tax preparer for THETAXPREPARERS you prepare your client’s taxes on our portal where you receive 70% of the revenue of preparing your clients taxes. For complete details on running your tax preparers business, click on the “PRODUCTS” link. Enroll today and start running your tax business tomorrow. Imagine working six months out of a year and making more money than most people working a full year.


W e THETAXPREPARERS support our tax preparers throughout. As our tax preparer you have access to our extensive FAQ , 24/7 email support and our 24/7 hotline. We provide everything that’s needed (business cards, email lists, etc). Click on the "ENROLL" link and start down the road to financial security.